Saturday, January 29

Today, President Joe Biden is expected to remain at the White House today to closely monitor any developments in the situation between Ukraine and Russia. He has no public events scheduled on his agenda at this time.

During the president’s trip to Pittsburgh on Friday, he visited the site of a bridge that collapsed just that morning. Ten people were injured in the collapse, three of whom were hospitalized. Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey said it was fortunate no one was killed. President Biden said that the new infrastructure legislation will provide for the repair of aging bridges, stating, “They’re going to fix them all. Not a joke. This is going to be a gigantic change. And there’s 43,000 nationwide. And we’re sending the money.”

As a severe winter storm heads toward the East Coast, Homeland Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall stated, “The Nor’easter that will move up through the mid-Atlantic States to the Northeast this weekend will bring extreme cold and hazardous conditions to many communities. Be sure to pay close attention to the information and guidance that is provided by your State and local leaders and homeland security and emergency preparedness officials. We will be actively monitoring the storm’s projected impacts and working closely with FEMA to ensure that we are prepared to support any needs for Federal assistance that may arise in your community.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president to seek the Lord’s direction in addressing the brewing conflict in Eastern Europe.
  • For State Department officials as they seek to defuse situations around the globe with diplomacy.
  • For federal, state, and local authorities as they prepare for the incoming Nor’easter.

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