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Supreme Court Hears Final Case of the Week

Case asks questions on the application of a prior court decision. 

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the final case of the first week of December. The case of Edwards v. Vannoy seeks to determine if the court’s April decision in Ramos v. Louisiana can be retroactively applied to federal cases that have already been deemed final. 

The case of Ramos v. Louisiana resulted in the Court determining that the Sixth Amendment requires that the right to a unanimous jury is applied to both federal and state courts. Thedrick Edwards, who was before the court Wednesday was sentenced to death by a jury who did not vote unanimously. The lone black juror voted to acquit him. 

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the Lord to head the Court in the best course of action to take with this law. 
  • That God would give the Justices of the Court wisdom on the best cases to hear in the future.
  • That the result of this hearing would provide greater justice in America. 

Sources: Supreme Court, SCOTUSblog, AP


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