Meet the Person

Three fingers point right back!

Galatians 6:7 – Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

The sixth-grade teacher set up a section of her bulletin board. She titled it “Meet the person responsible for your…” and then in spaces across the wide width of the board added, “choices, grades, success, words, actions.”  Above each of the individual words, she had hung a face mirror! The responsible person, of course, was the one looking back!

God is also big on personal responsibility. You find it all throughout Scripture. And what goes for you, goes for the nation’s leaders also.  The closer the election comes, the more finger-pointing is seen. A wise person once noted that when the forefinger is stretched out toward someone, there are three more fingers pointing back! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern who and what is right, and who deserves your precious vote. He will surely guide you in all things.

Pray With Us

Almighty God, You have given us Divine advice, important ground rules to follow, with respect to our own behavior, and to our own responsibility. Help me be diligent in walking the path You have set before me. Let my life be pleasing to You. Guide me as I consider the persons for whom I will vote. May You be glorified in the result.


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