Senator Cruz Questions Pentagon’s Stance on Religion

Sends letter to Secretary of Defense after Christian U.S. Air Force veteran’s talk was canceled.

In a letter to Defense Secretary Esper, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas indicated the Defense Department has engaged in religious discrimination. He pressed the Secretary on how the department planned to address its “culture of hostility towards religion.”

“The Department must do better. It must take affirmative steps to stop those in its ranks from targeting religious individuals and violating the United States Constitution,” he wrote.

The Texas senator specifically asked for information on whether the department had brought discipline in a case involving a Christian Air Force veteran, Jay Lorenzen, who was scheduled to speak at an annual training for Marine Corps JAG reservists last month. The talk was scrapped after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation relayed its reservist clients’ concerns about Lorenzen’s beliefs influencing his remarks.

Lorenzen, whose biography includes work with Campus Crusade for Christ, was scheduled for three presentations on “leadership.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the Pentagon leaders as they consider the Constitutional right to freedom of speech.
  • About how more and more Christians are being prohibited from public speaking in numerous venues.

Sources: Fox News,  Bestway News,


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