
Psalm 139:23 – Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!

In today’s verse, David ties together his heart and his thoughts, inviting God to search them both. There is a direct relationship between what exists in your heart and your thoughts. The one feeds the other. Yet, while there are similarities between hearts and minds, there is a basic difference. Your heart is led by your emotions… which is why salvation is often referred to as giving your heart to Jesus. Salvation is more than just an intellectual decision.  When the heart is transformed, the mind is renewed.

Many verses throughout Scripture tell you where to direct your thoughts. But you cannot be a true spiritual thinker if your heart does not belong to God.

You may have heard some say that a person is so heavenly minded that he is no earthly good. That would not be true.  A mind set on the things of God becomes obedient to Him, and to His Word. When you are, then you give care to those less fortunate, those in need, widows and orphans. And where your heart is, the Bible says, your treasure follows (Matthew 6:21).

Search your own heart and mind today, even as you invite God to reveal the things you have even hidden from yourself.

Pray With Us

Heavenly Father, in many ways, I believe I have set my heart and mind to follow You. That is certainly my desire. But I confess than in recent days, thoughts and emotions have stirred in me that I don’t like…and they most likely do not please You. Forgive me. Search me. Show me the places where I have drifted from Your path for me. Lead me to understand and greater love. Thank You for what You are doing in my life today. In Jesus Name,


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