Peter 3:9 – Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.
It seems to be a time when a single crisis multiplies into many in America. The COVID-19 virus came “out of nowhere” striking many with a dreadful illness and leading to too many deaths in America. To help allay its spread, the economy was shut down with stay-at-home orders, self-isolation, and only a few essential places available for taking care of major needs. Then police brutality was shared across the nation through a video taken in Minneapolis, and people have said they’ve had enough. Malcontents and those bent on doing great damage to the country hijacked the peaceful demonstrations, and here we are! Crisis in triplicate.
Unfortunately, rather than following the mandate in today’s verse, people are fomenting hatred toward one another, with less and less empathy and compassion for others. An article in Psychology Today suggests that a large number of people in America suffer from EDD – “Empathy Deficit Disorder.” This is not God’s plan for His people.
In the verse that precedes today’s verse, Peter writes, “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” Even if you are unable to put yourself into someone else’s shoes, you can humbly extend the love of Christ. If it is truly in your own heart, you won’t be able to contain yourself—you’ll have to do it!
Pray With Us
Heavenly Father, it has to hurt Your heart to see people being so hateful toward one another. Forgive me if even a single evil thought has crossed my mind. Help me to look at everyone as a person You sent Jesus to die for, a person You desire to be brought into Your kingdom, a person You love. Let me knot be apathetic, but to have empath, for this is what would please You. Guide me to put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, just as You, Lord God, have forgiven me. Thank You for Your perfect love, delivered to me in Jesus, in Whose Name I pray.