First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” – 1 Timothy 2:1-2


  • May 6 – God Most High

    God Most High, we are grateful for Your promise to never leave us nor forsake us. We have confidence in Your truth and rely on Your unchanging righteousness and mercy as we pray today for this nation today. We bow our heads and hearts before Your majesty, asking for Your will to be accomplished in the United States, and throughout this world, as it is in Heaven. Amen.

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  • Inauguration Day – God’s Plans for the Nation

    Inauguration Day – God’s Plans for the Nation

    Heavenly Father, on this important day in the workings of our nation, we come to You with complete confidence, knowing that You are the magnificent and benevolent Controller of All Things. You have repeatedly assured us of the righteousness of Your plans, and we stand in wonder as we watch You working them out through people and events. We praise You, O Most High God. Amen.

  • Day 1 – Praying for the President

    Day 1 – Praying for the President

    Almighty God, thank You for Your loving care over Your people. We come to You today in intercession for the president of the United States. The workload is heavy, the days are long, and the responsibilities are beyond our comprehension. Give wisdom to him and guide him by Your grace. Your Word says You take up kings and You put them down, and we have confidence in You. We pray that he takes the time to seek out Your will, and then to act on it. We ask it in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 2 – God’s Mercies are New Every Morning

    Day 2 – God’s Mercies are New Every Morning

    Gracious Father in Heaven, thank You for Your never-ending faithfulness to us. Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning. We ask today, Lord, that you would give a renewed understanding of who You are to the president and vice president. Give the vice president the words of support and encouragement to speak to the president and to all who undertake the work of the administration. You are a good Father, and we bless Your Name, Amen.

  • Day 3 – Praying for God’s Protection

    Day 3 – Praying for God’s Protection

    Dear Lord, You are the one who rules over nations from Your holy throne, and all the Earth and its people belong to You. In Your wisdom, You have set up governments to function for the protection of the nation’s people. Today, we ask on behalf of the president as he appoints and establishes the leaders and members of the Pentagon. For You have placed in their hands the defense of America. With tensions around the world, give these men and women the knowledge they need and the courage to use it. Thank you for hearing us, for we pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Day 4 – Praying for God’s Guidance

    Day 4 – Praying for God’s Guidance

    Our Heavenly Father, today we lift up the president as he continues to appoint officials to lead in the administration. We ask that You would guide each of his decisions and that You be at work through each person he selects. We pray specifically for White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain and ask that you would give him Your wisdom as is both an adviser to the president and a manager over others in the staff at the White House. We pray that the policies he promotes are ones that will promote America as a righteous nation. Amen.

  • Day 5 – Praying to the God of Peace

    Day 5 – Praying to the God of Peace

    Dear God, the position of Secretary of State in the new administration is so critical in these days. Foreign policies can draw us closer to our allies and create stability, or it can increase international tensions and harm decades-long partnerships around the world. We pray for the president as he looks to fill this role and we ask that Your will would be accomplished through whoever takes this seat. Guide the Senate as they review the appointee and give them discernment in their decision. Father as the God of Peace, use this person to help calm America’s fears through a calm and steady spirit. We ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 6 – Our Confidence in God

    Day 6 – Our Confidence in God

    Dear Lord, we have confidence in You that You hold the heart of the nation’s leaders in Your hand. Therefore, we pray for the president as he faces the enormous challenge of maintaining the world’s largest economy. As part of the president’s effort to meet the needs of the nation in this area, he must carefully choose a Secretary of the Treasury Department to advise and guide him. We pray for the president as he makes this selection and for the appointee as they go before the Senate as part of the confirmation process. May You give the Senate discernment in their decision and may the nominee look to You for wisdom, balance, and a godly perspective on how to best work for the American people. Thank You, in Jesus Name, Amen.

  • Day 7 – God is Just

    Day 7 – God is Just

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being just. Your justice and mercy are evident in how You have been at work in America from its formation and throughout its history. We trust You. We trust that You are still at work and that You will bring about Your perfect justice. Guide and direct the president as he appoints leaders to America’s Department of Justice and of the Attorney General. We pray for the person appointed to the role of the Attorney General and for his deputies as they work towards justice in America. Keep their heart and mind turned towards You and give them a keen sense of Your justice, we pray. Amen.

  • Day 8 – God Our Creator

    Day 8 – God Our Creator

    Dear Lord, Your creation declares Your glory. Your handiwork proclaims Your righteousness. As the president selects the secretary to lead the Department of the Interior, we ask that You would lead him in his decision. We ask that the person chosen will seek Your wisdom in managing the nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage, as well as overseeing the federal government’s relationships with Native American tribes. Give them the knowledge and commitment they will need for the trust that will be placed on her. Thank You for giving us such a beautiful country, Amen

  • Day 9 – God Our Provider

    Day 9 – God Our Provider

    Heavenly Father, America’s farmers and agriculture industry leaders have faced rough times over the last year, as have many businesses, because of the COVID-19 virus. International trade has helped to take the pressure off of some of them, but agriculture remains an important industry for the nation. We pray today for the president as he nominates an Agriculture Secretary. Give the appointee the wisdom and courage to deal with the issues of the industry and heightened hunger issues that have faced the nation because of the virus. You control our weather and give the land what it needs; we ask that the person who fills this role would acknowledge Your hand in what he must do. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • Day 10 – God Cares for Us

    Day 10 – God Cares for Us

    Dear Lord God, the entire nation is concerned about the present and future of work and the economy. Many desperately look to find new employment and others wonder if the existing jobs will still be there in the coming months. Our government looks to the Department of Labor and its secretary to oversee not only the safety of the workplace, but the disruptions that have been caused by the coronavirus pandemic. So many in our nation are in need. We ask that You help to direct the new administration as they oversee the welfare of wage earners, job seekers, and retirees in the United States. Thank You, In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • Day 11 – God the Great Physician

    Day 11 – God the Great Physician

    Heavenly Father, America’s health is in Your wondrous hands. While the COVID-19 virus has overwhelmed the world, You are still the great healer. You have given doctors and nurses the tools to save lives. You have given scientists the knowledge and what they need to develop vaccines to help counter it. We cannot always understand, but our prayer has been that through it, more people would be drawn to You and Your Son, Jesus. Today we ask for your continued guidance for the government and especially for those in the Health and Human Services Department, as they look to providing effective service to the people of this nation. We ask that You would give them sound and sustained advances in all they oversee and do on behalf of the citizens of the United States, their physical and mental health and wellbeing. You are a good Father, and we worship You, Amen.

  • Day 12 – God Meets Our Needs

    Day 12 – God Meets Our Needs

    Our Blessed Father, our hearts grieve when we see people who are struggling and homeless. These days, in the midst of the ongoing pandemic, it has been even more difficult for many to find economic opportunities. We intercede today for the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as they seek to accomplish finding fair housing for the citizens of this land. We long for the day when we no longer see tents on city sidewalks, but where everyone can live in dignity and with respect. Thank You for the guidance You give. Amen

  • Day 13 – God Directs Our Steps

    Day 13 – God Directs Our Steps

    Dear Heavenly Father, what a blessing You have given to this nation. As we travel from coast to coast, from the northern border to the south, we are greeted with incredible vistas and beautiful scenes—a bountiful gift from You. Our nation’s interstates, highways, and bridges enable us to travel, do business, and visit loved ones. Our transportation infrastructure impacts the quality of life in rural and urban communities alike. Please guide the president and direct his steps as he selects and nominates a new Secretary of Transportation. We ask that the new secretary seek Your wisdom and that You would give all the department the knowledge and sense of priorities they need to tackle the systems that keep our economy in motion. May they find efficient and modern ways to America’s progress, even as the pandemic draws down. We pray for Your unseen hand to guide them. Amen.

  • Day 14 – Giver of Good and Perfect Gifts

    Day 14 – Giver of Good and Perfect Gifts

    Most Gracious Father in Heaven, there is pressure on many sides to balance the nation’s energy needs with environmental and nuclear challenges. You have blessed Americans with natural resources in abundance. You are the giver of all good and perfect gifts and through Your creation, You care for us. We ask that You would be at work through the president as he appoints a Secretary of Energy. Give supernatural wisdom and guidance to the new secretary and to the people in the Energy Department as they work to both produce energy for the nation while also working to protect the land, air, and seas that You have given us. We long for wise decisions and thank You for all You do. Amen.

  • Day 15 – God Our Teacher

    Day 15 – God Our Teacher

    Almighty and All-Wise Father, thank You for Your perfect scripture and for gifting us with Your wisdom and understanding. Thank You for teaching us Your ways and guiding us with Your light. With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. America’s educational system has been under immense so much stress. For those classrooms that haven’t been closed, new precautionary measures have introduced new complexity into the learning environment. Teachers, students, and parents are reluctant or concerned about returning. As the president selected the new Secretary of Education, they will have to seek Your leading and work together to face these challenges. We ask that You would use our nation’s leaders to help America’s students to learn Your righteousness. Protect the minds of our youth and guide them in Your ways. Holy Spirit, continue to teach us to be more like Jesus, in whose Name we pray, Amen.

  • Day 16 – God of Power and Might

    Day 16 – God of Power and Might

    God of Power and Might, we honor the men and women who have put on the uniform of our nation to serve in times of peace and war. To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan,” our Department of Veterans Affairs works to provide care and comfort to those out of military service. We ask that You would direct the president as he appoints the new secretary of this department. Give the person chosen a heart of love for those who have served, and for the families of those who have given their “last full measure of devotion.” Give comfort to all who are wounded or grieving and help all who care for these national heroes. Amen.

  • Day 17 – God Our Protector

    Day 17 – God Our Protector

    Heavenly Father, just as our nation’s founders had to rely on You and Your Word to put this nation together, those in our government today similarly need to rely on You as they make their decisions on how to protect and preserve the nation. We lift up the president and the Secretary of Homeland Security as they are tasked with this responsibility. Among other things, the Department of Homeland Security focuses on how to keep all Americans safe from all threats domestic and foreign. Give wisdom to those who serve in this Department as they work to safeguard the United States from terrorism, regardless of its source. Remind them each day to rely on You. Keep Your hand of protection on our land, sea, and air, we ask in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  • Day 18 – Praying for Wise Counsel

    Day 18 – Praying for Wise Counsel

    Gracious Father, we thank You that You have given many unique people the sound minds and understanding it takes to manage economies and navigate the ups and downs of the financial conditions of both the nation and the world. Today, our president needs sound advice that is based on empirical research and national objectives. He needs guidance that is founded on Your Word as he formulates both his domestic and international economic policy. We ask that You surround the president with wise counsel. Fill those individuals with a desire to seek You. You hold the end from the beginning and You know Your purpose for this time in our nation’s history. We praise You for Your goodness. Amen.

  • Day 19 – God the Giver of Life

    Day 19 – God the Giver of Life

    Our Father in Heaven, You give us life and health and You hold each person in Your hands. Thank You that for the many gifts that You have given in the form of modern medicine, pharmaceuticals, and the knowledge of doctors. We lift up the White House physician as they are the personal physician to the president. His responsibilities are not only for the president and his family, the vice president and her family, and the White House staff, but also for those who may be visiting the White House. Give him guidance as he strives to maintain our leaders in good health. We ask for Your will in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 20 – God Our Strong Tower

    Day 20 – God Our Strong Tower

    Dear Lord, You are our protector, our defender, and our strong tower. We look to you for our national safety and protection. We lift up the National Security Adviser in the role he plays in giving advice and assistance to the president on foreign policy matters is critical in days like these. When foreign nations threaten the United States or take more subtle but still antagonistic action, the president needs guidance on how to respond and protect the nation. We ask for peaceful and positive relationships with other nations. Fill the mind of the president’s National Security Adviser with Your thoughts and instruct him to seek understanding and wisdom from You. We praise You for Your loving care over us. Amen.

  • Day 21 – Praying for Healing

    Day 21 – Praying for Healing

    Heavenly Father, all the power for the healing of body, mind, soul, and spirit is in Your hands. We thank You that You have given special talents and knowledge to the men and women of the medical industry to protect people from disease, create vaccines, and heal illnesses through medication and treatments. We have prayerfully watched this last year as those in our government and its agencies strive to understand the virus on its long term effects. We thank You for those physicians and others who work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as they conduct critical science in order to provide the best health information they can to protect our nation. Give them guidance today as they deal with the dangerous pandemic and other diseases in an effort to protect the public health and safety.  Amen.

  • Day 22 – Praying for Truth

    Day 22 – Praying for Truth

    Holy God, You are our Defender, our Strong Tower to whom we run. You protect and defend us when we aren’t even aware You are doing so. You reveal the truth and are the bringer of light to the dark. You use agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation to stand in harm’s way for us, to defend us against terror, to conduct foreign intelligence, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of our nation, and to uncover the things hidden in the darkness. Thank You for the leadership they provide to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies. Protect them, especially the agents who are working in the field to seek truth and accomplish justice. Guide their leaders in keeping the right priorities. Thank You in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 23 – Thanking God for Blessings

    Day 23 – Thanking God for Blessings

    Heavenly Father and our Creator, thank You for blessing us with such a beautiful country. We marvel at enormous lakes and waterfalls and our hearts are lifted by watching such simple things as bees gathering nectar or a bird making her nest. You have given us all this and more to enjoy. You have given the governmental authority to help us protect our natural resources to the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA oversees more than just the wonders of nature, but our human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, international trade, and more in their environmental policies. Direct them in the way they should go as they monitor the challenges in our environment that we may continue to enjoy Your bounty. Amen.

  • Day 24 – Praying for Financial Wisdom

    Day 24 – Praying for Financial Wisdom

    Dear God, You are the source of all wisdom, the keeper of all knowledge, and the giver of all understanding. We ask that You give guidance to the Office of Management and Budget as they direct federal agencies on budgetary policies. Keeping a government budget is necessary to the smooth running of the nation’s business. Help the ones who provide the analyses and execution of the policy options while endeavoring to comply with new policies and directives that come from the president, Congress, or inter-agency representatives. Help them to find joy in what they do, even though it may be tedious. Thank You for hearing our prayers for the many government agencies and individuals, for we pray them in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Day 25 – Praying for Transparency

    Day 25 – Praying for Transparency

    Heavenly Father, through Your Word, You have taught us the importance of speaking the truth in full and of being transparent in our failings. You also taught us humility through Your example on Earth. As we lift up the White House Press Secretary, today, we remember that her role is to clearly and truthfully communicate the goings-on of the government to the American people. Help the press secretary as she collects information about actions and events within the administration and shares them with the nation. Be with her as she interacts with the media on behalf of the White House. Direct her thoughts, keep her humble, and lead her to the truth in all that she says, just as you do the same for each of us as we communicate with those around us. Amen.

  • Day 26 – Praying With Freedom

    Day 26 – Praying With Freedom

    Our Gracious Lord, thank You for setting us free from sin through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. It is by this freedom that we have a relationship with You and by the cross that we can approach You in prayer. As we reflect on freedom, we thank You for our many blessings, including being citizens of a nation where we can feel secure as we go about our daily lives. Many around the world seek the same freedoms and look to immigrate to America, just as many of our ancestors did, and we pray for those who serve in the Customs and Border Protection agency as they facilitate and manage that immigration. We thank you for the officers and agents of our Customs and Border Protection who watch over our borders, help support trade, and manage travel and immigration through official ports of entry. Please be with them and keep them safe whether on land, air, or in maritime patrols. Give them wisdom as they deal with the complexities of immigration. We ask in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

  • Day 27 – God’s Handiwork

    Day 27 – God’s Handiwork

    Heavenly Father, You gifted us such a wonderous world to call our home. The Earth is Your handiwork and You tasked us with the stewardship of its care. As our nation evaluates how to best care for the planet, the president created the new role of a climate envoy. Give this envoy wisdom, accurate scientific information, and discernment as he confronts concerns related to climate issues. Guide him in his decisions about fossil fuel use and alternative energy sources. Lead him as he works to address natural disasters. Our trust is in You to be the Controller of the times and the seasons. An old song says You have the whole world in Your hands. There are no better Hands! Thank You, Father, Amen.

  • Day 28 – Heavens Declare God’s Glory

    Day 28 – Heavens Declare God’s Glory

    God Who Rules the Universe, You created us as Earth-bound individuals, but You also instilled within the hearts and minds of many the desire to explore the unknown. We gaze into night skies and wonder what lies beyond our realm and through our government’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration, explorations of space have begun. An international space station is maintained, astronauts have walked on the moon, independent rocket builders are partnering in setting satellites into orbit, and there are even plans for humans to set foot on Mars. Thank You for the many engineers whose efforts bring these ideas to reality. Guide and direct those who lead in the pursuit of exploring Your creation. Reveal Your righteousness and glory evermore. Provide safety to those who explore. Keep them in Your care. Amen.

  • Day 29 – God Our Defender

    Day 29 – God Our Defender

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being our defender and our Savior. As we still live on this earth, we know that sin still causes many to be at odds with You and that it also drives conflict or tension with each another. In the midst of this conflict, there are those around the world that would wish to do our nation harm. We are grateful that a civilian foreign intelligence service within the federal government is tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world in order to better protect us. We thank You that these security people are in place. Watch over the security of our nation. We pray for Your will for America. Amen.

  • Day 30 – In the Shelter of the Most High

    Day 30 – In the Shelter of the Most High

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for your watchfulness over us. Thank you that we can, as the psalmist said, dwell in the shelter of the Most High, and abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Thank You that we can place our trust in You. For our president, first family, vice president, and second family, our nation has set in place the Secret Service. They are charged with protecting our political leaders and their families. Thank You for their alertness to danger and their abilities to respond quickly with no concern for their own lives. Even as they protect our leaders, please give them Your protection, keeping them in Your shadow and shelter. Thank You in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  • Day 31 – Lord of Nations

    Day 31 – Lord of Nations

    Heavenly Father and Lord of All, our nation has been blessed by the heritage of the numbers of “first people” groups who have called this land their home for long periods of time. At the same time, as a nation, we have not always treated them properly. We pray today for the people within the Bureau of Indian Affairs, as they implement federal laws and policies related to American Indians and Alaska Natives, and the lands held in trust by the government for the numerous tribes. Give them wisdom and grace and a particular sensitivity to the needs of those people groups, for Your love extends to all as a reminder that ours should also.

  • Day 32 – Praying for World Peace

    Day 32 – Praying for World Peace

    Dear God, we thank you that our nation has good relationships with many other countries around the Earth. Our State Department ambassadors keep those relationships working. Perhaps no other ambassadorship is as important as our Ambassador to the United Nations. As the leader of the delegation of the United States Mission to the United Nations, we ask for Your guidance for the person that holds that seat as they work towards advancing U.S. interests, promoting and defending universal values and values established by You, and addressing pressing global challenges to peace and security.

  • Day 33 – Give To God What Is His

    Day 33 – Give To God What Is His

    Dear Lord, many of us are already in the midst of preparing and filing taxes. We remember your words in Matthew 22:21, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” While we don’t always agree with or understand the amount or use of our taxes, we thank You for Your hand on our governing authorities. We pray for the Internal Revenue Service and their Administrator, charged with receiving or refunding our tax payments and watching over taxpayer issues. Theirs is often a thankless job within government, and in the last year and now, they are also having to deliver stimulus checks or cash-cards as the coronavirus pandemic continues. Give them extra strength to endure long hours. Give them sensitivity and compassion towards the taxpayers. Go before each citizen and agent as they work to settle any issues and disputes. Thank You, in Jesus Name.

  • Day 34 – God Gives Understanding

    Day 34 – God Gives Understanding

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the men and women to whom You have given great scientific minds, especially those in the ever-changing and rapidly growing area of technology. Thank You for giving humanity the tools and intelligence to understand Your creation through biology, chemistry, physics, and technology. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is being advanced to a Cabinet-level under the new administration, and Eric Lander has been selected to lead it. Thank you for this mathematician and geneticist who helped map the human genome. Guide him through the challenges of working in government and direct him on the decisions that will be made by him and his team.

  • Day 35 – God Cares for You

    Day 35 – God Cares for You

    Dear God, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare have been called upon during this pandemic to go above and beyond what they normally must do. We pray for the person who will fill the role of heading this agency. They will need Your provision, as will the bureaucrats working with them. It is a heavy load as the agency oversees government health insurance programs that cover more than 1 out of 3 Americans and is a linchpin for the entire health care system. Guide their decision-making, we pray. Amen.

  • Day 36 – Calling on God in Times of Need

    Day 36 – Calling on God in Times of Need

    Heavenly Father, our hearts have been heavy recently as we have watched a vast winter storm create problems in over a third of our country. At times like these, our Federal Emergency Management Agency steps in with assistance, including funding, to help the American people deal with these disasters. Give FEMA officials the knowledge they need to be quick and accurate in their response. Help us, as Your people, to do our part in lending a helping hand when we are able to do so. May our efforts be to Your glory, Amen

  • Day 37 – God Who Established Borders

    Day 37 – God Who Established Borders

    Our Father, You are the ruler of Heaven and Earth. From You divine wisdom, You gave us governments, You lifted up nations, and You defined borders (Acts 17:26). In our nation, You have seen fit that the authority of managing and maintaining the security of these borders rests on those in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). We pray for all of the leaders in this agency as they adjust and adapt to any and all new federal policies and directions. We pray for all of the men and women who wear the ICE uniform and serve in even if the smallest capacity. Help the agency to focus on doing what is right and to do so in their effort to protect the American public.

  • Day 38 – God Is Our Refuge

    Day 38 – God Is Our Refuge

    Dear Lord, thank You for being our refuge and our safe harbor in the modern age just as you were in ancient times. As we ponder the gift of modern transportation methods, we thank You for the ability by which we can circumnavigate the globe in mere hours. What took once weeks, months, and years of travel, can now be done in a single day. The Transportation Security Administration is at the forefront of ensuring our safety as we travel. The pandemic has reshaped travel and created many logistical problems. In addition to securing the safety of the traveling public, the TSA must now enforce rules to keep individuals healthy and safe from the spread of disease at airports, bus and train stations, and on all forms of public transportation. Help them as they adapt and adjust to the ever-changing needs of the American people. Encourage them in the face of discouraging moments. Keep them safe as You do with those who are first responders. Thank You, Amen.

  • Day 39 – God of Order

    Day 39 – God of Order

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us order and structure. Thank you for giving us laws and ethics. In a world where not all follow those rules, Congress established the Federal Trade Commission to protect consumers by regulating unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices. We pray for the commissioners of this agency and their enforcement mission. We pray also for those who are charged with heading investigations. Today, we ask Your guidance and direction for the FTC, for the protection and pursuit of truth and righteousness in the affairs of business. We praise You for Your watchfulness over this nation and for Your light that makes all things known. Amen.

  • Day 40 – God’s Gift of Creation

    Day 40 – God’s Gift of Creation

    Our Glorious Lord, thank You for the beauty of Your creation. Thank You that You have given some of our early leaders the vision to preserve significant parts of our country and to set them aside for our enjoyment. We now have more than 400 national parks in the U.S. Each has rangers and staff to manage and maintain them. Because all these services are managed through government oversight, we pray for all who are a part of the National Park Service who continue to assist in maintaining these recreational spaces and preserving their historic nature. Bless their work and give them joy, we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 41 – Praying for Instruction

    Day 41 – Praying for Instruction

    Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are the Master and the Teacher. You show us Your ways and instruct us in Your will. When Jesus walked the earth, He showed a special concern and love for children. In the U.S. Department of Education, there is an Office of Special Education Programs that deals with infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. It exists to support them with technical assistance, parent training, and doing all it can to help each child achieve his or her highest potential. We pray that Your hand will be on the leaders of this department as they help shape the educational policies and programs. We ask that You be at work as they also plan and implement these things. You have made each child special in his or her own way. Give them grace today, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 42 – God of Relationship

    Day 42 – God of Relationship

    Our Father, thank You for giving us many ways to communicate and have relationships with each other, even when two people are on the opposite ends of the country. One of the oldest methods in American is to send letters, packages, and other mail to each other through the U.S. Postal Service. This agency is led by a Board of Governors, with the Postmaster General as the head. Guide him in making any and all necessary decisions that impact the Post Office, its services, and how it functions as a resource for all Americans. Thank You for being a gentle overseer to us all, Amen.

  • Day 43 – God Our Healer

    Day 43 – God Our Healer

    God our Healer, thank You for giving understanding and special knowledge to those who serve in the medical field. Thank You for those who perform their services with a loving and patient heart. In these days of the coronavirus, it has been especially hard for government agencies like the National Institutes of Health. They have been at the forefront with information and guidance. We pray for Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads up the Institute’s department of immunology, and ask that You shower him with Your wisdom and guide him to understand Your plan for healing this nation’s s health—physical, mental, and spiritual.

  • Day 44 – God Our Supplier

    Day 44 – God Our Supplier

    Most Holy God, You richly supply us and meet all our needs. It’s as You say in Philippians 4:19, You do so “according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Thank You for a nation with an economy that enables us to live a blessed life. Over the past twelve months, though, due to the coronavirus, the economy has taken a hit. Among the agencies charged by Congress with providing the nation with a safer more flexible and more stable monetary and financial system is the Federal Reserve. Be with their Board as they direct the central banking system. Give them the information they need and enough of Your plans for America’s future that they can effectively guide the operation of the nation’s economy while serving the public interest. Thank You that You care about such things as this. Amen.

  • Day 45 – God Is One

    Day 45 – God Is One

    Heavenly Father, You are the God of unity, relationship, and healing. Your word declares that there was no Greek or Jew and no slave or free. We were all “all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). We also remember the prayer of Christ in John 17 when He walked the Earth and asked, “that they may be one even as we are one”. Just as in the time of the early church, the issues of racism, anti-Semitism, hate, and other discriminatory matters are still present today. Within the Justice Department, there is an Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division. That agency is responsible for enforcing federal statutes that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, and national origin. We pray for all in that division today to seek Your will and guidance as they carry out their responsibilities with kindness, mercy, and a heart towards Your perfect justice and truth. Help us be leaders in loving each person as You do without condition, for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus, Amen.

  • Day 46 – You Are Our Confidence

    Day 46 – You Are Our Confidence

    Dear Lord God, You are our Confidence. We look to You to guide us according to Your plan for us. In our nation, the Securities and Exchange Commission is at work to end misleading sales practices and stock manipulations that threaten the stock markets. They do so to boost the general confidence of American investors. While we have seen some wild stock market trends over the last year, due in large part to the coronavirus pandemic, we are confident that You are in control and You hold all things in Your hands. Help the members of this commission to administer their regulations with fairness, helping to protect investors.

  • Day 47 – Lord of Creation

    Day 47 – Lord of Creation

    Dear God and Lord of Creation, thank You for creating the things that we have learned to convert into energy, whether fossil fuels, solar power, wind energy, nuclear, hydro-electric, or others. We have seen what a hard winter storm can do to the nation’s power grid. As the administration looks for ways to provide for the nation’s energy needs and balance protecting the planet, we ask for wisdom for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. They regulate the transmission and wholesale transfers of electricity and natural gas in interstate commerce, and they regulate the transportation of oil by pipelines, including storage projects and refineries. Help our leaders to be wise stewards of the resources You have given us.

  • Day 48 – The Gift of Prayer

    Day 48 – The Gift of Prayer

    Heavenly Father, we thank You for the blessing and the gift of prayer by which we can communicate directly with You. Thank You that we never get “put on hold” or hear a busy signal. Due to the immense volume of people trying to communicate with the White House and the president, and due to the amount of information that the White House must distribute, clear communication is not always easy. The White House Office of Public Engagement exists to work towards meeting that need and is a place where the American public can go to communicate with the administration. We pray that, in their communication efforts, they will be transparent, decisive, responsible, and accountable as they serve the public in this way. Amen.

  • Day 49 – Praying to the God Who Speaks

    Day 49 – Praying to the God Who Speaks

    Dear Lord, You have given us the gift of communication. You spoke to us through the prophets and through Your Words, that we may know and understand You more. You gave us speech, sight, and hearing so that we could connect with those around us. Today, we lift up the Federal Communications Commission, the agency in our government that is charged with regulating essentially all communications in or originating in the United States. Through Your perfect wisdom, You have given them the authority and responsibility to administer television and radio airwaves, satellite and cable transmissions, internet policies, telegraph, and other communications. Guide them through the right methods of managing and regulating the emerging social media and other high-tech communication platforms. Thank You, Amen.

  • Day 50 – God Provides for Us

    Day 50 – God Provides for Us

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving many individuals in America an entrepreneurial spirit. Thank You for this nation that still provides opportunities for small businesses to be established, grow, and flourish. The Small Business Administration has been established to assist and protect the interests of small businesses, preserve that free business atmosphere, and maintain and strengthen the community. They have recently been engaged in helping with the distribution of the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) funds. Guide them as they work to assist businesses that have been disrupted by the pandemic, natural disaster, or catastrophe. Amen.

  • Day 51 – God Watches Over Us

    Day 51 – God Watches Over Us

    Holy God, thank You for Your watchfulness over us. Thank You for keeping us alert to dangers. The Consumer Product Safety Commission is tasked with developing safety standards for both domestic and imported products. They work to mitigate and regulate things that can pose a risk to our health, safety, and wellbeing. They evaluate products that pose fire, chemical, electrical, or mechanical hazards, especially to those that can injure children. We are grateful You use this agency to help watch over us. As more and more products are developed each day, keep them vigilant so that we might remain safe in our homes, workplaces, and at leisure. Amen.

  • Day 52 – God Gave a Helper

    Day 52 – God Gave a Helper

    Holy God, from the very beginning, You established marriage and You have sanctified it. In Genesis, You gave Adam a helper fit for him. We pray today for the First Lady as she is a helper to the president. We ask that You would help her to encourage him when he is low, to comfort him when he is unwell, to applaud him when he does good, and to be the intimate sharer of his secrets. Give them opportunities to have quality time together, to find times to worship together, and keep their family strong together. Thank You for Your blessings and for the gift of marriage, Amen.

  • Day 53 – The Blessing of Creation

    Day 53 – The Blessing of Creation

    Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing this continent with so much diversity of landscape. We marvel at the tremendous stands of timber—from the mighty redwoods to the coconut palms. Thank You for the benefits they bring, whether it be cleaning the air of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen to keep an environmental balance in our air, deep roots in swamps that clean the water, or others that bear fruit that graces our tables. Give Your wisdom and sense of care and purpose to our U.S. Forest Service as they protect our natural resources and promote lasting economic, ecological, and social viability to our forests. Protect our lands from wildfires.

  • Day 54 – God of Discernment

    Day 54 – God of Discernment

    Our Father, thank You for being the great physician. Thank You for healing and restoring us and for meeting our every need. Today, we lift up the leaders of the Food and Drug Administration as they oversee the safety of America’s major food supplies and the safety and quality control of our pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biologics, and blood products. Most recently, they have been charged with the daunting task of evaluating the safety and efficacy of various vaccines being used to stop the coronavirus. Keep them alert. Enable them to focus on doing what is best for the American people. Give the individual FDA workers energy, encouragement, and vigilance in their efforts. Guide and direct them and give them discernment for the safety of all Americans, we pray. Amen.

  • Day 55 – Praying to the Source of All Power

    Day 55 – Praying to the Source of All Power

    Dear Lord in Heaven, thank You for the gift of ingenuity. Thank You for the ability to use our natural resources to generate power and energy to help us in our daily lives. Thank You also for the ability to use those resources to aid in our protection. You have given the scientists and physicists at the nation’s Nuclear Security Administration the immense responsibility of safeguarding national security through our military’s application of nuclear science. They also maintain and enhance the safety, security, and effectiveness of our nuclear weapons stockpile without having to test with nuclear explosions. They keep an eye out on the global danger from weapons of mass destruction, with an eye toward non-proliferation. We pray for them as they work with the U.S. Navy and any other military forces to ensure safe and reliable nuclear propulsion plants, like those found on ships and submarines. Thank You for giving them the understanding they need. Guide the leaders of this agency as they work to keep the nation safe and provide for the American people.

  • Day 56 – The Good Shepherd

    Day 56 – The Good Shepherd

    Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, the Good Shepherd, to watch over us, protect us, and keep us from harm. Thank You also for the knowledge gained through the science of chemistry. Our lives greatly benefit from the use of various chemical compounds, whether it be for use in fuels, household cleaners, fire suppressants, coolants and refrigerants, and many others. Though, across many industries in America, we often rely on the use of materials or chemicals that are hazardous if not properly stored and handled. The Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is given the responsibility of restricting the use of hazardous materials and establishing regulations for pipeline deliveries, permits, processes, and storage. Guide this agency as they work to create policies to protect the nation. Keep them safe as they work to keep Americans safe.

  • Day 57 – God is Merciful

    Day 57 – God is Merciful

    Merciful God, thank You for Your love, compassion, and care for us. We thank You that You watch over and care for the poor, the homeless, and the downtrodden. Today, we pray for the Interagency Council on Homelessness. We ask for guidance and clear direction for the numerous federal departments that have come together as a part of this council to address homelessness across the country. Give them discernment as they work with state and local governments and help them develop the plans to end drug epidemics, mental illnesses, and other issues that compound homelessness. We pray for those who are chronically homeless, for our homeless veterans, for families, and for youth and children who live on the streets or sleep in their vehicles. Help us as a nation to come together to provide aid to them. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  • Day 58 – The Source of Knowledge

    Day 58 – The Source of Knowledge

    Dear God, we praise and thank You that You are the source of all knowledge and understanding. As we face complicated problems with unclear solutions, we know that we can rely on You to provide clarity and direction. Today we lift up the Office of Migrant Education. Give wisdom to the department heads who create policies and work to meet the educational needs of the children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers’. Give them encouragement and energy to address the needs of the additional migrant children arriving at the border in recent years. Be with those who administer the various programs of the office. Show Your nearness to those who teach English as a second language and to those who help children with education and other services. We ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

  • Day 59 – The Source of Life

    Day 59 – The Source of Life

    Loving Father, we praise You as the source of all life. You know the number of our days on earth and You hold our health in Your hands. We acknowledge that it is by Your grace over the last century You have allowed average lifespans across our nation to increase. With the growing number of aging Americans, we lift up the Administration on Aging as they work to provide funding and assistance for the elderly including caregivers, transportation, adult day care, health programs, meal assistance, and other aid. Give them compassion for the aged, whether in nursing homes, with families, or independently ongoing. Help them see the tangible impact of what they do and how it helps and affects each person.

  • Day 60 – God Our Security

    Day 60 – God Our Security

    Dear Lord God, thank You for the blessing You have given this nation through the vast opportunities provided by technology. We lift up the National Counterintelligence and Security Center as they use all available technology to monitor foreign intelligence and work to mitigate threats against America. We ask that You would expose things that are hidden so that the members of this agency would be able to effectively inform the decision-makers at all levels of the government. Keep them alert as they tackle the complex battlefield of cyber-warfare and as they work to stop hackers who attack private as well as government databases. Help us as a nation to dwell in Your safety and to trust in You.

  • Day 61 – He Calls the Stars by Name

    Day 61 – He Calls the Stars by Name

    Heavenly Father, You know the number of hairs on our heads and how many grains of sand cover the beaches and fill oceans. We thank You that, in Your love and care for creation, You not only determined the number of the stars in the sky but that You call them each by name. Today, we lift up the Bureau of Labor Statistics as they evaluate the complex numbers and critical information that help the nation track the health and stability of America’s economy, employment, and finances. We pray for this agency as they release weekly reports and inform the president’s administration so that action can be taken when necessary. Encourage and strengthen the men and women who work in this agency. Help them to be accurate as they provide numbers to various departments of government and to the public. Amen

  • Day 62 – God of Creativity

    Day 62 – God of Creativity

    Heavenly Father, thank You for Your creativity. Thank you for giving us some of that creativity through individuals who are inventive, entrepreneurial, and technologically adept, and we are grateful. Within the White House, the president has appointed an Adviser on Technology and Competition. We pray for this individual as they work on an agenda that focuses on technology and competition. We ask that You would give them wisdom as they tackle issues that have a great impact on our nation’s security when dealing with other nations and on individuals and businesses. Give clarity to this adviser, as, indeed, You do with the others.

  • Day 63 – Praying for Transparency

    Day 63 – Praying for Transparency

    Dear God, thank You for being the source of truth and for communicating that truth to us through Your word and by Your Son. Thank You for hearing our prayers and for answering them. Today, we pray for the White House Director of Public Engagement as they work to act as a liaison between the president’s administration and the American public. Give them a keen ear for truth and the ability to communicate it in ways people can understand. Guide them as they listen to the public needs and advise the president accordingly. And help us to discern truth from misinformation, regardless of who holds this position. Thank You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  • Day 64 – In You We Trust

    Day 64 – In You We Trust

    Heavenly Father, You are our provider and You promise to meet all of our needs. In Your Word, You speak often of money and how we are to trust You as we steward the funds that we have without falling prey to greed. Thank You for the authority You have placed on Office of the Comptroller of the Currency within the Treasury Department to assure that our national banks manage themselves well and fulfill their responsibilities to the public. Help the people of this agency as they work with banking directors across the country, conduct workshops, oversee legal and strategic matters, and comply with the ever-changing monetary issues of our land. Guide them to be good stewards of all that they oversee.

  • Day 65 – God is With Us

    Day 65 – God is With Us

    Gracious Father, thank You for being with us and walking with us through every moment of life. We thank You for America and we thank You for Your protection and watchfulness over this nation. We are grateful for the many good relationships our country has with others around the globe. Today, we lift up in prayer the Diplomatic Corp as they work to maintain positive foreign relationships with the U.S. Give wisdom to this collective body as they serve our nation abroad in various foreign countries. Give them protection and guidance in their representations of the U.S. and make them receptive to hearing from You and understanding Your plans.

  • Day 66 – Praying to the Almighty God

    Day 66 – Praying to the Almighty God

    Holy God, You are almighty and You hold all power in Your hands. We praise You and thank You for the gift of electricity and energy to power our modern world. Today, we lift up the major Power Administrations across the country as they oversee the nation’s power infrastructure and major hydroelectric dam projects. We ask for Your hand to be on the heads of these administrations as they work to meet the needs of various public utilities and electric cooperatives and the customers who receive the power produced at the dams. Give strength and encouragement to the employees who are working, often in high-stress or even dangerous situations, around the clock to serve American citizens. Keep them attentive and safe. Give our nation’s top officials wisdom as they work to modify the nation’s energy sources and consumption.

  • Day 67 – Praying to the Highest Authority

    Day 67 – Praying to the Highest Authority

    Father, we praise and thank You for establishing order and law. You, as the highest authority, gave us governments and setup earthly authority to protect us, keep the peace, and give us stability. Today, we pray for the U.S. Marshals Service as they work to protect our nation’s judges and other judicial personnel, government officials, and those in the federal witness protection program. Keep them safe as they work to enforce the laws of our nation, rescue the victims of drug crimes and human trafficking, and apprehend those who wish to do harm. Continue to be with these men and women, as you are with others in our law enforcement community, as they work to protect and serve us.

  • Day 68 – The King of Kings

    Day 68 – The King of Kings

    Dear Lord, You hold the future of our nation in Your hands and You are accomplishing Your purposes through it. We praise You, King of kings, that You have established every president throughout our nation’s history, and You will continue to do so well into our future. There are no surprises to You. Today, we pray for the independent Federal Election Commission as they work to ensure that elections are fair, enforce election-related law, and regulate the donations and public funds spent on elections. We also pray for discernment for Congress as they evaluate possible changes to the Federal Election Commission and that, in the end, those in the agency always act with integrity. We ask in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Day 69 – God Our Savior

    Day 69 – God Our Savior

    Holy God, thank You for Jesus. Thank You for the sacrifice for sin that He made on the cross, and for His resurrection. Thank You that You have provided a way for us to draw close to You through faith in Him. Thank You for the number of people within the community of faith who participate with our government in grassroots groups to aid people across the nation. Almost every federal department has a Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives. We lift up those who are in those roles. Bless them with pure motives that are centered on You in their outreach efforts to improve lives, neighborhoods, and communities.

  • Day 70 – God All-knowing

    Day 70 – God All-knowing

    Heavenly Father, it is in You that we place all of our hope and trust. You are all-knowing and there is no security in this life independent of You. As we meditate on the security we have in You, we take this time to pray for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Direct their steps and give clear minds to all in this agency as they work with other government departments to defend against cyber threats and collaborate to build more secure and efficient infrastructure for the future. Help them as they develop the best methods, cyber patches, guidance, and regulatory requirements. You alone know the risks of tomorrow and can guide them with an unseen hand.

  • Day 71 – Ruler of Heaven and Earth

    Day 71 – Ruler of Heaven and Earth

    Heavenly Father, You are the God of all creation. You are the ruler of all heaven and earth. From the days of creation, You gave stewardship over the land, sea, and air to Your created people. Thank you for the gift of this responsibility. We ask for Your guidance as we carry it out. Today, we pray for those in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management as they carry on the role that You established. Give them direction as they manage the energy and mineral resources of the Outer Continental Shelf for environmental sustainability, economic development, and national security. Be with the scientists and others that they might ensure a future with wise use and a fair return for those resources in order to accomplish Your purposes on earth. Amen.

  • Day 72 – God Looks Over Us

    Day 72 – God Looks Over Us

    Dear God, thank You for being the One who looks over us. Thank You for giving us our health and our safety and even having Your angels watch over us. Thank You for putting governments in authority to help bring order and protection. We lift up those in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as they create and enforce standards for working people to ensure their safety in dangerous workplaces. We ask for guidance as they provide training and education and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health. Since nearly every worker across the United States is under this administration’s jurisdiction, give this agency wisdom and direct their actions. Help them to be continually aware of hazards that could cause harm to employees and find ways to avert them.

  • Day 73 – The Winds and the Waves Obey You

    Day 73 – The Winds and the Waves Obey You

    Dear Lord God, You are the master of the storms. Even the winds and the waves obey You. We pray for Your watchful guidance for the National Hurricane Center this day. Give them direction as they work towards saving lives and mitigating property loss during hurricane season. Prepare them as they deal with winds and floods from these storms, and work to plan for the economic impacts each year. Help these scientists as they contend with watching, warning, and managing the hazardous tropical waters. Be with people in the areas most prone to hurricanes to have a clear sense of preparedness, and to heed warnings when they are given. Thank You in Jesus’ Name.

  • Day 74 – Giver of All Good Things

    Day 74 – Giver of All Good Things

    Heavenly Father, You have blessed our nation with an abundance of natural resources. Thank You for the minerals of varied kinds, including gold, silver, copper, coal, and as many as 1200 mineral commodities across the nation. Today, we lift up the Bureau of Mines as they conduct scientific research and disseminate information on the extraction, processing, use, and conservation of these mineral resources. Guide them as they work with other agencies in assuring health and safety as well as environmental impacts of mining and the processing of minerals and materials. Help them as they craft protective policies as many of these minerals can be hazardous. Help them to be always looking for new discoveries, and emerging technologies in the minerals field, as they work together with the major corporations and individuals who extract these minerals from the earth.

  • Day 75 – God Holds the Future

    Day 75 – God Holds the Future

    Our Dear Father, You have given us systems by which to run our modern world. You instructed us to not love money and wealth, for money is just a tool. It is not the goal. Today, we pray for the Import-Export Bank as they help shape and move the United States economy through financial transactions with other nations. We as for Your hand on this independent executive agency as they provide export credit insurance, loan guarantees to lenders, direct loans to exporters on market related credit terms, and loans to foreign buyers. We ask that you direct their steps to retain a healthy financial balance. Because You know what happens tomorrow from what is anticipated today, we ask that You give them wisdom and guidance to keep our nation commercially viable and avoid political monetary risks.

  • Day 76 – God of Redemption

    Day 76 – God of Redemption

    Heavenly Father, thank You for making us in Your image and for calling us to walk within Your purposes. Thank You for giving us governing authorities by which You accomplish Your will on earth and to keep law, peace, and order. Yet, because of sin, we often find ourselves in violation of both Your laws and the laws of the land. Thank You for saving us while we were in sin, for restoring us, for redeeming us, and for forgiving us. Today, we pray for the Federal Bureau of Prisons as they are charged with the management and regulation of federal penal and correctional institutions. Help the men and women who oversee these prisons to be efficient and to maintain security for themselves and for the prisoners. Help them with programs that assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens capable of employment when they are released. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  • Day 77 – Saviour of All Mankind

    Day 77 – Saviour of All Mankind

    Dear Lord, You are the God of all people, the Savior of all mankind, and You know us all by name. Our government relies on the information provided by the Census Bureau as our leaders and representatives work to provide for the needs of our nation. Today, we pray for the many census takers who travel door to door around the nation, those who answer phone calls and handle inquiries over the phone, and workers in the bureau who tallying the results and share it with other federal agencies and the public. Give the leaders of the bureau wisdom and a heart for transparency in all that they do.

  • Day 78 – God of Abundant Life

    Day 78 – God of Abundant Life

    Lord Almighty, we praise You for rescuing us from sin and death. Thank You for giving us life and giving it abundantly. Today, we pray for the Drug Enforcement Administration as they seek to protect the American public from illicit substances and the harm that such drugs cause. Please help them to be effective in enforcing the laws regarding narcotics and controlled substances. Give them strength and discernment as they work to thwart the efforts of smugglers, cartels, and money launderers. Guide them as they work to protect the lives of American citizens. We ask in the name of Jesus, amen.

  • Day 79 – God the Great Inventor

    Day 79 – God the Great Inventor

    Heavenly Father, Your creativity, imagination, and knowledge are infinite. Your creation declares this through its endless variety and complexity. Thank You for making us in Your image so that, we too, can be creative, inquisitive, and inventive. We pray for the Patent and Trademark office today as they foster creativity by protecting and registering new creations and advancements in products made by talented innovators and inventors. Give these government officials discernment as they evaluate and examine applications for trademarks and patents. Help them to support the nation’s economic growth and competitiveness through their reviews and research.

  • Day 80 – Praying to Our Great Advocate

    Day 80 – Praying to Our Great Advocate

    Dear Lord Jesus, You are our Advocate and Your Spirit intercedes on our behalf. We know that You know and understand all things and that nothing is too difficult for You. While we may not fully comprehend the complexities of our government, You do. Because of this, we pray for Your wisdom, today, and that You would guide the Solicitor General of the Justice Department as he represents the federal government before the Supreme Court. We pray that the cases would be supervised and litigated responsibly by the Solicitor General and that the results build and increase justice in the nation.

  • Day 81 – God of Majesty

    Day 81 – God of Majesty

    Creator of the universe, Your works are majestic, Heaven and Earth declare Your glory as ruler of all creation. You made the seas and the clouds that sustain life and impact the weather. Today, we lift up in prayer the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as they study, research, and report conditions and changes from the heights of Earth’s atmosphere to the depths of the ocean floor in order to give accurate and up-to-date information to the decision-makers in our federal government. We pray for discernment for officials in this agency as they issue daily weather forecasts, monitor severe weather and publish alerts and warnings, manage and restore U.S. coasts, and support marine commerce. We ask in the name of Jesus, amen.

  • Day 82 – God of Purpose

    Day 82 – God of Purpose

    Loving God, You not only created humanity in Your image, You also created human beings for a purpose and gave them the responsibility to work on this earth. You also made humankind with diversity and sometimes people need a helping hand to fulfill Your purpose. The Minority Business Development Agency promotes the growth of minority-owned businesses. We ask that You would guide this agency as it supports and strengthens these entrepreneurs. Give these government officials discernment as they assist minority business owners overcome obstacles to being competitive and flourishing in their markets. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

  • Day 83 – God of Blessing

    Day 83 – God of Blessing

    Our Father, You have blessed our nation with abundant natural resources. Thank You for caring for us and for giving us the supplies to meet our needs. Not the least among them are oil and gas. We lift up the National Petroleum Council inside the Department of Energy as they work with the energy sector in order to facilitate the exploration, extraction, and transportation of oil and gas. They need special wisdom to manage these products and to advise the federal government on the future of American energy production. Guide their decision making, we pray.

  • Day 84 – God is Good

    Day 84 – God is Good

    Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You that You are good. In Your goodness, You call Your people to be honest in their dealings and to use “accurate scales” in commerce and fairness in trade. The U.S. Office of the Trade Representative has over 200 trade professionals who deal with issues of trade around the world. We ask that You would guide them to ensure ethical and consistent international trade policies with both friendly and hostile nations. And we pray for wisdom for the Trade Representative leading that office. Amen.

  • Day 85 – God of Wisdom

    Day 85 – God of Wisdom

    Holy Lord, You are the source of all knowledge and wisdom. In Your Word, You instruct Your children to seek many sources of counsel so the best decisions can be made. We pray today for the White House Domestic Policy Council, which advises the president and his Cabinet on affairs of state and policies of the nation. We ask that the director of the council would seek Your understanding of the domestic matters the administration faces. May the director provide solid leadership for the council and the council obtain information from sources with accuracy and integrity.

  • Day 86 – God Holds the Earth

    Day 86 – God Holds the Earth

    Heavenly Father, You are the Lord of the wind and weather. You hold the Earth in Your hands and all creation belongs to You. We praise You for Your awesome power and might as we pray for the White House Climate Coordinator today. We ask that the Climate Coordinator would have discernment as they focus on the protection of the environment and human impact on the climate and as they advise the president regarding the actions that will be most effective and beneficial to the nation’s environment, weather, and atmosphere.

  • Day 87 – God’s Perfect Plan

    Day 87 – God’s Perfect Plan

    Lord Almighty, You are good and You are working out Your perfect plan for the world You created. We are grateful for the direction You provide Your children through Your Word and Your Spirit. Today, we pray for wisdom and strength for the Director of Oval Office Operations. May he provide the necessary structure as he sets the president’s agenda, scheduling engagements and meetings. Equip him to aid the president in the most effective ways, we pray in the name of Jesus.

  • Day 88 – The Giver of Relationship

    Day 88 – The Giver of Relationship

    Dear Lord, thank You for the institution of marriage, that we may know the richness of companionship. Thank You for creating the bond of two becoming one to lift each other up, be each other’s helper, and be one another’s confidant. Today, we pray for the staff of the Office of the First Lady. Direct and guide them as they support the first lady. We ask for grace and dignity for her press secretary, her social secretary, her chief of staff, and others who attend to her needs as she carries out her duties. Use them to accomplish Your will in their efforts for our nation.

  • Day 89 – Praying to the Perfect Counselor

    Day 89 – Praying to the Perfect Counselor

    Heavenly Father, we praise You for giving us Your word, sending Your Son, and pouring out Your Holy Spirit to be our perfect comforter, helper, and counselor. Today, we lift up the White House Counsel as they advise the president on all legal issues relating to the office of president and the administration. We ask for wisdom for the counsel as they interpret the law in order to guide the president as he works on executive orders, meets with foreign leaders, and proposes legislation to be considered by Congress. We pray that they seek direction from You because we know that You are the ultimate lawgiver and administrator of grace.

  • Day 90 – Praying to God Our Refuge

    Day 90 – Praying to God Our Refuge

    God our Refuge, You provide for all who trust in and rely on You. We pray today for officials in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We ask that You would give them wisdom as they work to ensure fair, honest, and transparent practices in consumer financial markets. Help them in their efforts to empower consumers with information and research as they uphold and enforce U.S. laws and regulations. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

  • Day 91 – God Our Living Water

    Day 91 – God Our Living Water

    Loving Redeemer, we worship as the Living Water who has reclaimed the lives of all who place their trust in You. We ask that You would guide the Bureau of Reclamation as they manage water resources in the nation and steward this life-giving resource You created. We pray for discernment for these officials as they oversee the water supply and storage, irrigation, and hydroelectric power generation, particularly as many states deal with extreme drought conditions. Thank You for refreshing our souls.

  • Day 92 – With All Gratitude to God

    Day 92 – With All Gratitude to God

    Holy Lord, we come to You with gratitude and praise for the strength and guidance You provide. We pray today for the Secretary and employees of the Department of Commerce as they promote national economic growth and job creation in the United States. We ask that You direct their efforts to support American business and trade through the tools, services, and programs their various agencies provide.

  • Day 93 – Breath of Life

    Day 93 – Breath of Life

    Lord Almighty, You created humanity from the dust, You breathed into us Your breath of life, and You know our frailties! Today we ask that You would guide the Office of Disability Employment Policy as they seek to help those who are disabled, whether from birth, by injury, or accident. We pray for these officials that work within the Labor Department to develop and influence policies and practices that increase the number and quality of employment opportunities available to disabled Americans. May the tools and programs they develop encourage and provide effective support in the workplace. Amen.

  • Day 94 – Made in Your Image

    Day 94 – Made in Your Image

    Creator of infinite beauty, thank You for making us in Your image. We praise You for giving us the ability to capture and record history as it takes place through photography and the printed word. Today, we pray for the official White House Photographer, who covers the president as he goes about his daily schedule. We ask that this individual would have discernment in the role and the duties of capturing images for print or digital publishing. May the photographer have skill and discretion in the situations to be recorded for the chief executive and for the nation’s posterity.

  • Day 95 – God of All Creation

    Day 95 – God of All Creation

    Heavenly Father, nature teems with the creatures You have made. We thank You for the beasts of the field and in the waters as we pray for the Fish and Wildlife Service. We ask You to bless these officials with wisdom as they seek to protect and recover endangered species, and give them strength in their efforts to preserve habitats and conserve natural resources. We pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

  • Day 96 – Author of History

    Day 96 – Author of History

    Almighty God, You are the author of history. Through Scripture, You have provided a historical record for us and we praise You preserving Your redemption story. Today, we pray for the Federal Registrar who records and archives the documents and instruments of the U.S. government, as well as public commentary on proposed rules and regulations. We ask for accuracy and attention to detail as these archives are maintained and preserved. We also pray for the Government Printing Office as they distribute this information.

  • Day 97 – All Knowing God

    Day 97 – All Knowing God

    Holy Lord, as the psalmist says, You search and know the ways of all who follow You. We worship You for Your transformative love as we pray for the Inspectors General of every executive branch agency. We ask that You would enable each of them to fill their roles effectively as they utilize audits and procedures to ensure appropriate conduct and administration, and hold their bureaus accountable. We pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

  • Day 98 – God the Bread of Life

    Day 98 – God the Bread of Life

    Heavenly Father, You give us what we need in this life and the one to come. You gave us Your Son, who is the Bread of Life. We thank you for the farmers, ranchers, and other suppliers You have placed in the fields of agriculture, to cultivate food for the nation’s sustenance. We ask that You would give the officials of the Farm Service Agency the understanding and strength that they need to support American agriculture, helping to grow the U.S. economy and preserve the environment while adequate and affordable meat and produce are grown and distributed. Amen.

  • Day 99 – Giver of Revelations

    Day 99 – Giver of Revelations

    Almighty God, we are thankful that You have given humanity the capacity to learn, both about You and about the world You created. Thank You for giving to us each and every revelation we have had. There is no end to Your awesome greatness! We ask that You would lead those in the Institute of Education Sciences today as they provide evidence for the foundations of education practices and policies by the U.S. Department of Education. We pray for discernment as they analyze and research the progress of students, the literacy of adults, and progress in the workforce. Please enable them to collect the most accurate and beneficial information in their surveys and projects. Amen.


As we lift up the 117th United States Congress, we will highlight one elected senator or representative each day. Pray with us for each of them as they tackle their unique responsibilities and fulfill their oaths of office.


  • Rashida Tlaib, Representative for Michigan

    Rashida Tlaib, Representative for Michigan

    • Born – July 1976 in Detroit, Michigan 
    • Education – B.A., Wayne State University; J.D., Thomas M. Cooley Law School 
    • Military Service – None 
    • Profession – Politician 
    • Political Experience – Michigan House of Representatives 
    • In office since – 2019 
    • Family – Divorced from Fayez Tlaib
    • Religious Affiliation – Muslim

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2022 Prayer Guide Set

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2022 Volume 1 Prayer Guide

2022 Volume 1 Prayer Guide

Cover the 1st quarter of 2022, January, February, and March, in daily prayer. New look for 2022 with added devotionals!

2022 Member Calendar

2022 Member Wall Calendar

Celebrate the stars and stripes of America, Old Glory, featuring iconic and historic locations where the American flag was first flown or is proudly flying today. Complete with scripture to provide you with inspiration to pray for our nation.

Vantage Point Devotional

Best of Vantage Point Devotional

To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we have compiled a collection of top Vantage Point devotionals all in one book. This Best of Vantage Point holds 40 days of hope, encouragement, and guidance for your spiritual growth. Yours FREE with a gift of any size!

2022 Member Calendar

Official 2022 Wall Calendar

Celebrate the stars and stripes of America, Old Glory, featuring iconic and historic locations where the American flag was first flown or is proudly flying today. Complete with scripture to provide you with inspiration to pray for our nation.

Vantage Point Devotional

Best of Vantage Point

To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we have compiled a collection of top Vantage Point devotionals all in one book. This Best of Vantage Point holds 40 days of hope, encouragement, and guidance for your spiritual growth. Yours FREE with a gift of any size!

Additional Resources

Volume 1 Winter Edition
Catch up on the current quarterly prayer journal.
4 Volume Annual Set
Uninterrupted prayer with all four quarterly volumes of 2021.
2021 Wall Calendar
Be inspired toward prayer as you look upon the majesty of our land through 12 months of national parks.

2021 Volume 4 Prayer Journal Fall Edition

Fall Edition Prayer Journal

Be prepared to finish 2021 strong in prayer.



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