• Issue 686 – Verse of the Week

    February 13th – February 19th, 2025


     And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.  – Colossians 3:15

    What is Your Heart Set On?

    A new administration is in office, making changes quickly to the status quo. Opinions run rampant and emotions high on both sides of the political aisle as to how and what should be done about issues facing the nation. The news is seldom reassuring. You have choices to make. In Psalm 37, David says to “fret not yourself” but “trust in the Lord.” You might blame circumstances or you may blame others when you are struggling, but the Bible calls this fretting yourself. Today’s verse tells you that the peace of Christ is something you must allow to be in your heart – you have the ability to evict fretting to make room for this peace! This Valentine’s Day consider the importance of your heart choices—don’t fret but let! 

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